
Universal Youth Leadership Summit 2024 Bangkok, Thailand | UYLS Thailand

Every two years, some of the most inspiring and impactful young leaders from around the world come together for an event like no other – the Universal Youth Leadership Summit (UYLS). In 2024, the next Summit will be held in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, and it promises to be an truly unforgettable experience. For motivated young people seeking to make a difference, UYLS Thailand 2024 presents an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth.

What is the Universal Youth Leadership Summit?

The Universal Youth Leadership Summit is a week-long program that brings together 300 outstanding youth leaders from more than 50 countries. The goal of UYLS is to empower the next generation of changemakers by providing skills training, networking opportunities, and a platform to address real-world issues.


Over the course of the Summit, participants take part in workshops on topics like social entrepreneurship, nonprofit management, advocacy and campaigning, sustainable development, and more. There are also sessions on communication, critical thinking, and leadership development to help youth maximize their potential for impact.

An integral part of UYLS is the collaborative project component. Attendees are divided into small teams with members from different nations and backgrounds. They then work together on developing innovative solutions to global challenges. Past teams have tackled issues such as access to education, environmental protection, humanitarian crises, and more. Presenting their projects at the concluding Summit event provides a chance to share ideas and inspire others.


The diverse gathering of leaders creates a supportive, idea-generating community like no other. Long-lasting friendships are formed across borders, and networking opens doors to future opportunities. For many participants, the transformative experience of UYLS serves as a springboard for making an even greater difference after returning home.

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Why Attend UYLS Thailand 2024?

There are several compelling reasons why the upcoming Summit in Bangkok presents such a valuable opportunity for young changemakers:

World-Class Training and Mentorship

The week-long program brings in experienced trainers and leaders as mentors and facilitators. Workshops provide practical skills and knowledge to take action, while mentoring sessions offer guidance to reach one’s full potential.


Inspiring Location in Dynamic Thailand

Thailand has a vibrant youth culture and is on the leading edge of social innovation in Southeast Asia. Being immersed in Bangkok offers novel perspectives for development work. Participants can draw lessons from Thailand’s advances.

Networking with Global Peers

Forming bonds with inspirational peers from over 50 nations jumpstarts international cooperation. The Summit expands worldviews and fosters global citizenry among young leaders. Networks last for years, opening up collaborative prospects.

Launching Impactful Projects

Working intensively on solutions to pressing issues hones skills in teamwork, critical thinking and project design. Presenting at the Summit provides a platform to gain recognition and bring ideas to life post-Summit.

Personal and Leadership Growth

Stepping out of one’s comfort zone amidst diversity strengthens character. Guided reflections and discussions promote self-awareness and evolution into even more confident, compassionate leaders able to excel in any field.

Attending the UYLS Thailand 2024 will hands-down be one of the most formative experiences of one’s life, with incredible people and lessons that last forever.

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Eligibility and Application Process

The Universal Youth Leadership Summit is open to enthusiastic young leaders between the ages of 18-30 who are actively working to create positive change. Applicants must demonstrate commitment to service, as well as strong leadership potential.

The application process opens in January 2024 and will require:

  • Personal statement essay outlining one’s background and qualifications
  • Description of current leadership projects, initiatives or efforts
  • Two letters of recommendation from mentors
  • Resume or CV
  • Short video introducing oneself and area of work (optional)

Selection is very competitive, with only 300 spots available worldwide. Applications are reviewed based on impact, vision, potential for growth and ability to contribute value to the diversity of the Summit.

The deadline to apply is February 29, 2024. Applicants will be notified of the selection results by April 30. Successful candidates will then have to complete pre-Summit online modules before arriving in Bangkok. A participation fee helps cover costs, but scholarships are available based on need.


This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Young leaders who submit an application have the chance to join a life-changing program and come back even more motivated, equipped and connected to keep making a difference long-term. I hope to see you in Bangkok!

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