
Nigeria Has the Highest Number of Students With Family Members in the UK

So, the other day, I was reading this news on foreign students studying in Britain. Actually, I found it to be quite interesting. It displayed the nations from which the greatest number of family members travelled to the UK with students. And, surprise!, Nigeria ranked first!

##Exactly What Is a Dependent Student?


If you’re wondering what a “student dependent” is, it simply refers to the members of the student’s social circle who aren’t enrolled in classes. Things like spouses, kids, and husbands. The dependents are those. Families are welcome to study in the UK alongside their students.

#Nigeria Is First
Therefore, during the 2020–2021 academic year, nearly 500,000 overseas students were examined in this research. And with over 15,000, it was discovered that Nigeria has the highest number of dependent students of any nation! India, with more than 12,000 dependents, ranked second. China, with almost 6,500 dependents, came in third. The US and Pakistan, with roughly 4,000 and 3,000 dependents apiece, completed the top 5.


#Why Do Nigerians Travel With Entire Families?

Actually, there are a few solid explanations for this. Culture is a major one. Family is very important in Nigeria. Parents believe that their children’s study abroad experience benefits the entire family, not simply the individual student. They desire to remain together in order to provide their child with care, emotional support, and financial support for education. Concerns about safety at home also influence families’ decision to remain together in the UK.

Money is another element. Living in Britain is really costly! However, sharing housing and expenses as a family is possible when there are dependents. Compared to constantly flying between Nigeria and the UK, this option proves to be more cost-effective. To help with expenses, some dependents even take on part-time work.

#Advantages and Disadvantages of Reliance


## Advantages
Having relatives nearby offers stability while everyone gets used to a new language and nation. Students can focus entirely on their studies without having to worry about household chores, cooking, or child care. Sometimes partners will acquire part-time work to supplement their income and gain some experience.

## Disadvantages
When you include in the cost of living, healthcare, housing large enough for everyone, and school fees for the children, supporting a whole family as an international student may get very expensive. It might be difficult to find a family-friendly location, particularly in crowded cities. Overcrowding occurs occasionally. Visa regulations typically prevent dependents from working full-time, which limits their ability to make a significant financial contribution. Even when they are together, loneliness for both students and dependents can still be a problem.

What’s in store for UK schools

The presence of numerous overseas student families presents favourable prospects for British universities and the education industry as a whole.

Families are more likely to enrol in longer master’s programmes than just one degree, which brings in more money. As families establish themselves in Britain, stronger ties to their home nations are forged in the future. In the UK, partners can also pursue employment and permanent residency. Normal family spending stimulates local economies. Additionally, by supporting students with families, the entire arrangement draws in additional international recruits.


Ultimately, it’s interesting that Nigeria has the most number of dependent students in Britain. It demonstrates the value of intimate family relationships in their society. Families present challenges, but they also bring benefits to UK schools, such as more money, international connections, and recognition overseas. Supporting families of students could further optimise these advantages.

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